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Fullerton Unfiltered

Jan 9, 2020

Today we have a special guest on the podcast and that is with Kris Keiser from OPEI. Kris has been the president of OPEI since 2011 and is responsible for putting together one of the largest trade shows in North America which is GIE+EXPO. 

Kris shares about all the exciting events and things happening at EXPO and also...

Jan 9, 2020

Today were going to be covering an amazing resource and project that we've been working incredibly hard on over the last 12 months, which is the Lawntrepreneur Academy. 

So many folks have asked us million different questions over the last 4 years while doing YouTube, that we finally put together an e-training website...

Jan 7, 2020

In this episode of Fullerton Unfiltered I wanted to share my thoughts about what it takes to be an independent thinker and how to make up your own mind in 2020. There's so many distractions out there in todays world which causes us to lose focus and not be able to think critically. 

All too often I see folks making...

Jan 7, 2020

Today we have a special guest on the Fullerton Unfiltered podcast, and that is Dylan Stephenson from So-Low Cuts Landscaping. Dylan has as a unique story as he's ran his lawn and landscaping business as a side hustle the last several years, but this spring he's making the leap to go "all in".

Dylan shares a bunch of...

Jan 6, 2020

This was a quick excerpt from our "3 Ways To Market Your Business" that was too good to not share on the podcast. We share about a half dozen helpful tips to help you grow your lawn and landscaping business this spring, which can help pour fuel on the fire and grow your business quickly.