Nov 30, 2020
Today we're going to be talking for a few minutes about financing equipment and what we look for when making an upgrade or purchase. Interest rates, monthly payments and whether or not to pay cash are all topics I wanted to discuss! This is just MY philosophy and approach to how Liz and I run OUR business and OUR life!...
Nov 27, 2020
Today we're going to zip through all of the Green Friday sales for this upcoming holiday season! If you guys are looking to purchase something for that special lawn and landscaping professional in your life, then this one is for you! Listen in as we cover the latest and greatest sales from all of our affiliate partners,...
Nov 25, 2020
Today we're going to spend a few minutes sharing with you guys what we're thankful for and let you know that no matter how the year went for you, you can still find joy and thankfulness for everything going on around you. Liz and I want to say to everyone to have a special holiday season and Thanksgiving, and remember...
Nov 23, 2020
Today we're going to be talking about how to set SMART goals to help you have the success you desire with your lawn and landscaping business. Setting goals is something we should all be doing multiple times a year, and in this episode we're going to share a proven way to do it! Set yourself up for success by creating...
Nov 20, 2020
Today we're going to be talking for a few minutes about the best ways to add a new customer to your business, and what we do to streamline our billing process! We've done a few episodes on this topic before, but we've received a few questions about the process recently that I wanted to revisit as we go into the off...